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History of Albertus of Saxonia (página 2)

Partes: 1, 2

The ancient university was to disappear with
ancient France under theRevolution. On 15 Sept.,
1793, petitioned by the Department
of Paris and several departmental groups, the National
Convention decided that independently of the
primary schools, already the objects of its solicitude,
"there should be established in the Republic three
progressive degrees of instruction; the first for
the knowledge indispensable to artisans and workmen of
all kinds; the second for
further knowledge necessary to
those intending to embrace the other professions
of society; and the third for those branches of instruction
the study of which is not within the reach of all men".
Measures were to be taken immediately: "For means
of execution the department and the municipality
of Paris are authorized to consult with the Committee
of Public Instruction of the National Convention, in order that
these establishments shall be put in action by 1
November next, and consequently colleges now in
operation and
the faculties of theology, medicine, arts,
and law are suppressed throughout the Republic".
This was the death-sentence of theuniversity. It was not to be
restored after the Revolution had subsided, any more
than those of the provinces. All were replaced by a single
centre, viz., the University of France. The lapse
of a century brought the recognition that the new system was less
favourable to study, and it was sought to restore the old system,
but without the faculty of theology.


Scholasticism is a term used to designate both a method
and a system. It is applied to theology as well as
to philosophy. Scholastic theology is distinguished
from Patristic theology on the one hand, and
from positive theology on the other. The schoolmen
themselves distinguished betweentheologia speculativa sive
and theologia positiva.
Applied tophilosophy, the word "Scholastic" is often used also,
to designate achronological division intervening between the
end of the Patristic era in the fifth century and the
beginning of the modern era, about 1450.








Post-Doctor Omar Gómez
Castañeda, Senior, Ph.D

Filósofo, Economista e Historiador

en Filosofía,Distinción en Filosofía
Antigüa egresado de Belford University,Humble,Texas,Estados
Unidos en el año
ID:RV414771-PASSWORD:44198958). *Miembro Asociado de
la Sociedad Venezolana de Filosofía,
Caracas,Distrito Capital(2006-Actualidad)
(cyoris[arroba] Venezolana de
Filosofía). *Ex - Profesor Titular de la
Cátedra:"Historía de la Filosofía" en el
Diplomado en Filosofía dictado por el Departamento
de Capacitación Docente de
la Universidad Fermín Toro,Cabudare
Barquisimeto,Estado Lara(2007-08). *Investigador,escritor y
asesor de temas filosóficos(2006-Actualidad). *Creador
del Grupo de Filósofos en
Facebook(2008) ( *Miembro y amigo a
través de Facebook ( de
los grupos de: Filósofos y Filósofas de
Facebook;Colegio "Hermano Nectario María",Valencia,Estado
Carabobo,Venezuela y Humanidades y Educación de
la Universidad Central de Venezuela.

*Grupo de Filósofos y

*Filosofía y Más

*Filosofía Chile

*Filosofía Costa Rica

*Los Filósofos

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